Society for Men's Health (Singapore)
Andrology Course 2016​
9 - 10 April 2016 | Amara Hotel, Singapore

Dr Derrick Aw
National University Hospital
Assistant Professor Derrick Aw Chen Wee is a Senior Consultant who specialises in dermatology and a registered acupuncturist in the National University Hospital, Singapore. He is also the clinical director of the University Dermatology Clinic.
Dr Aw's subspecialty interests are acne, psoriasis, eczema, urticaria, dermatological lasers for medical and cosmetic uses, minimally-invasive dermatological aesthetic procedures, cosmeceuticals and hospital dermatology. He is highly involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate medical education as a clinician-educator, Phase III medicine coordinator and an associate member with the Medical Education Unit at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. With numerous teaching awards to his record, he is frequently invited to lecture for medical students, family physicians, dermatologists, pharmacists, and residents.
Dr Aw is a regular contributor to local mass media queries on dermatological problems, and gives frequent public talks as well. He has written three educational books on clinical medicine (Look and Proceed, Armour 2002), clinical dermatology (Dermatology Picture MCQs, Armour 2005) and self-assessment in internal medicine (Modified Essay Questions for Medicine Finals, World Scientific 2012). He sits in the Resident Accreditation Committee for dermatology, and chairs the Maintenance of Competency Subcommittee with the Chapter of Dermatology, Academy of Medicine Singapore. Apart from sitting in the committee of the National Healthcare Group Medical Ethics Committee Board, Dr Aw is currently involved in more than 20 clinical research projects and is a reviewer for several medical journals.

Prof P. Ganesan Adaikan
National University Hospital
Professor P Ganesan Adaikan, PhD, DSc, ACS (USA) is an associate professor and head of section of reproductive pharmacology / sexual medicine in the department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, National University of Singapore and clinical sexologist, National University Hospital, Singapore.
He is a world renowned expert in the field of male and female sexual dysfunction and is recognised for his pioneering contributions to the physiopharmacology of penile erection and pharmacological treatment for erectile dysfunction; his eminent work in identifying nitric oxide releasing pathway and the use of Prostaglandin E1 for the treatment and management of the condition had paved way for the use of drugs such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. Prof Adaikan’s basic investigation of mechanism and the physical causes of impotence had also led NUS to file for a U.S. patent for a compound in the treatment of priapism, for which a Singapore patent has already been awarded. His current focus of research is on tissue engineering in this field and on female sexual dysfunction.
He has won several international awards including the prestigious Ginestie Prize in 1986 in Prague from the International Society of Impotence Research (ISIR) and the Benjamin Henry Sheares Memorial Lecture award and gold medal. Dr Adaikan has published more than 150 scientific articles in leading peer-reviewed international journals. He has delivered more than 300 invited lectures and presentations around the world on sexual health concerns.
He established the sexual dysfunction component in the Andrology clinic in 1986 to address and manage sexual health concerns in men at the National University Hospital, Singapore and has been coordinating treatment of erectile and ejaculatory problems in men and female sexual dysfunctions and is actively involved in couple therapy.
Prof Adaikan was the organising Chairman/President of the VI World Meeting on Impotence (1994) and the 7th Asian Congress of Sexology (2002) in Singapore. He is also a consultant and resource speaker for organisations and industries on sexual health issues.

Dr Simon Chong
Pacific Healthcare Specialist Centre - Urology
Dr Simon Chong, a Consultant Urologist, has a subspeciality interest is in Male Sexual Dysfunction/Andrology and Male Infertility. He did his subspecialty training with Dr David Ralph, a renowned andrological surgeon with practices in the University College London Hospital and the London Clinic in Harley Street, as well as with his team of surgeons in the Institute of Urology in London, UK where he learnt procedures such as penile prosthesis implantation, various surgical techniques for Peyronie’s disease, phalloplasty and organ-preserving procedures for penile cancer.
He is actively involved in Men’s Health and Andrology in Singapore where he has organized and lectured in GP and public forums, international conferences as well as practical courses for doctors. He is also actively involved in academia as well. He is a Clinical Senior Lecturer of the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine of the National University of Singapore, and prior to his current practice, he was the Programme Director of the National Healthcare Group Urology Residency Programme.

Dr Lee Fang Jann
Singapore General Hospital
Dr Lee Fang Jann graduated with MBBS from the National University of Singapore in 2001. He completed his basic and advance training in General Urology in Singapore General Hospital. In 2010, he obtained Urology Specialty Accreditation from the Ministry of Health, Singapore. He was awarded a HMDP scholarship to pursue sub-specialty training in Renal and Pancreas Transplantation and trained as an Honorary Senior Clinical Fellow in the Oxford Transplantation Centre, United Kingdom. Dr Lee also sub-specialises in Andrology and is presently the Director of both the Renal Transplantation and Andrology services in SGH. Dr Lee is active in teaching and is a clinical faculty for both the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS and the Duke-NUS Graduate School of Medicine.

Dr Joe Lee
National University Hospital
Dr Joe Lee is an Associate Consultant in the Department of Urology at National University Hospital. He obtained his medical degree from the National University of Singapore in 2000 and gained fellowship with the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh in 2005. After completing his Master of Medicine (Surgery) in 2007, he focussed his training in the field of Urology and received his Specialist accreditation in Urology in 2011.
Dr Lee has special interests in the field of Andrology, Sexual Medicine and Prostate Diseases and runs a specialized Male Sexual Dysfunction clinic in the Urology Centre at National University Hospital.
He is a member of the Singapore Urological Association and executive committee member of the Singapore Men's Health Society.

Dr Martha Lee
Eros Coaching
Founder of Eros Coaching, Dr Martha Tara Lee is a Clinical Sexologist who conducts sexuality and relationship coaching, and runs sexuality education events in Asia. She is compassionate, practical, honest, interactive and solution-focused. Dr Lee incorporates a blend of conventional and alternative approaches and draws upon a variety of styles and techniques to support each client as they work to resolve both current problems and long-standing patterns.
Based in Singapore, Dr Lee utilises her years of experience in professional communications and volunteer counseling to optimize her coaching work. A well-travelled Singaporean Chinese, Martha welcomes individuals as well as couples of all sexual orientations.
Often cited in the media, Dr Lee is the appointed sex expert for Men’s Health Singapore, and Men’s Health Malaysia. She also contributes regularly towards YourTango and Elephant Journal. She is also the host of weekly radio show Eros Evolution for OMTimes Radio. She was recognised as one of ‘Top 50 Inspiring Women under 40’ by Her World in July 2010, and one of ‘Top 100 Inspiring Women’ by CozyCot in March 2011. Her first book Love, Sex and Everything In-Between was published by Marshall Cavendish in Oct 2013, and her second Orgasmic Yoga: Masturbation, Meditation and Everything In-Between in Aug 2015.

Dr Lim Kok Bin
Raffles Medical Group
Dr Lim Kok Bin is an Urologist. He graduated from NUS and obtained his postgraduate degree in the United Kingdom. He was a Consultant in the Department of Urology at SGH, and also the Director of Andrology Service. He spent a year as a Clinical Fellow at the University of Western Ontario, Canada and was awarded the 'Prize Essay in Clinical Research' for his work on Peyronies disease.
Dr Lim has particular interest in prostate diseases, voiding dysfunction, male infertility and sexual dysfunction. He is trained in artificial urinary sphincter and penile prosthesis implantation, correction of penile curvature and various microsurgical works such as microsurgical ligation of varicocele and reanastomosis of previous vasectomy.
Trained in endourology, Dr Lim performs a variety of minimally invasive surgeries for urinary stones and prostate diseases, including percutaneous nephrolithotripsy, rigid and flexible ureteroscopy and laser prostatectomy.

Prof Peter Lim
Gleneagles Hospital
Professor Peter Lim Huat Chye is currently Senior Consultant & Medical Director of the Andrology, Urology & Continence Center at Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore, Visiting Consultant and Advisor at the Dept of Urology, Changi General Hospital and Medical Director of the Urology Centre of Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore. Prof Lim also serves as the Adjunct Professor (Men's Health) at Edith Cowen University, Western Australia & Honorary Professor (Urology & Andrology), HT University Naval Medical School, Indonesia.
President of the Society for the Study of the Aging Male (Singapore), Prof Lim is also President of the Society for Continence, Singapore, the Asia- Pacific Continence Advisory Board and the Asian Society for Female Urology. Graduating with an MBBS from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Singapore in 1975, Prof Lim went on to obtain his Mastership in Advanced Surgery, from the same university in 1980. From 1987 to 1988 he completed his Government of Singapore Scholarship for Advanced Urology Training at the University of Edinburgh (Western General Hospital), in the UK. His previous positions include Chief of Dept of Urology at Changi General Hospital (1997–2000) and Head of the Division of Urology at Toa Payoh Hospital (1991–1997).
Prof Lim was also previously Visiting Consultant at the Dept of Urology of the National University Hospital of Singapore, Clinical Lecturer at the National University of Singapore, Visiting Professor for the Department of Urology, Dong-A Medical University, Korea, and is the National Representative for Singapore in the Asia-Pacific Society for Impotence Research.

Dr Ng Kok Kit
Changi General Hospital
Dr Ng Kok Kit obtained his medical degree from the National University of Singapore in 1995. He gained fellowship with the Royal College of Surgeons in both Edinburgh and Glasgow in 1999. He began specialising in the specialty of Urology in 1999. Dr Ng was a fellow at the Concord Hospital in Sydney, Australia in 2001 to 2002, where he worked and further trained in Urology and Andrology. He obtained fellowship in the Academy of Medicine in 2004 in the field of Urology.
Dr Ng is the Vice-President for Society for Men’s Health Singapore. He is also in the Executive Committee of the Singapore Urological Association.
Dr Ng has interests in Andrology. He runs the Andropause and Men’s Health Clinic in Changi General Hospital. He is also the Guidelines Chairman for the Society for Men’s Health Singapore.
He is actively involved in the undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. He is the clinical lecturer for National University of Singapore Faculty of Medicine.

Dr Ronny Tan
Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Dr Ronny Tan is a Consultant and Director of Andrology in the Department of Urology, Tan Tock Seng Hospital.
He is a urologist trained in Singapore and Board-certified by the Ministry of Health Specialist Accreditation Board. He has been a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore since 2012. He underwent a year-long SMSNA-endorsed clinical fellowship with world-renowned andrologist Professor Wayne Hellstrom at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, making him the first Singaporean urologist to undergo a Clinical Fellowship in Andrology, Sexual Medicine and Urological Prosthetic Surgery in the United States of America.
Dr Tan is currently on the Executive Committee of the Society for Men's Health, Singapore (SMHS) and is a member of the Society for Continence Singapore (SFCS), Singapore Urological Association (SUA), Asia-Pacific Society for Sexual Medicine (APSSM) and International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM). He is a regular reviewer for Urology (Gold Journal), Journal of Sexual Medicine and Sexual Medicine Reviews. He was on the committee that developed the Clinical Practice Guidelines 2012 for treatment of Premature Ejaculation and is the co-chairman for the SMHS Guidelines 2014 for management of erectile dysfunction. He has also contributed articles to local magazines and newspapers. He is actively involved in GP forums, symposiums as well as health talks for the public and served as course director in numerous symposia, masterclasses as well as courses on andrology and sexual medicine sharing his expertise as invited speaker and faculty in conferences in the region and abroad. He is also a Visiting Consultant to KKIVF and runs the Andrology and Male Sexual Dysfunction Clinic in KKWCH.

Dr Peter Ting
The Harley Street and Cancer Centre, Gleneagles Hospital
Dr Peter Ting is a senior consultant cardiologist with special interest in non-invasive imaging and management of heart valve disorders and coronary artery disease. He also plans structured lifestyle therapy programme for patients to reverse or slow the progression of coronary artery disease, as well as treat other lifestyle related conditions such has hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity; thereby reducing reliance on prescription medications.
Dr Ting has mentored and taught medical residents, students, nurses and fellows. His research has been published in peer-reviewed journals or presented at both local and international scientific meetings, where he has also been invited to speak regularly. He was an Adjunct Assistant Professor with Duke-NUS graduate medical school, senior clinical tutor with Yong Loo Lin School of medicine, as well as core faculty for the Singhealth cardiology residency programme at Singapore General Hospital.